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Crucify! Crucify!

You were about Your Father's Mission, A mission of Love and Justice, A mission of Reconciliation. A relationship broken by sin, You came and restored. You demonstrated the Father's heart of love, For a world marred with sin and shame. An Innocent One crucified! You willingly gave your life on the cross, As an atoning sacrifice and paid the price. You were denied, betrayed,rejected, abandoned, By Your own for whom You came cause of love. They shouted "Crucify! Crucify!" Love responded "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." You died and You rose and visited those who denied You, You met them in love and forgiveness.   Even as my flesh is crucified with Yours, And You live in me, May I behold Your love You demonstrated, On the cross. A love You poured out so lavishly and willingly, A love that was necessary to restore the broken and fallen world. Help me live that love as I walk the earth, Even when denied, rejected and broken by those who pledged love and faithfulness to me. As my flesh shouts for justice and vengeance, May I die to these desires of the flesh , And may Your love and Your Spirit abide in me. May I constantly look at the Cross, Love that cried mercy and forgiveness when crucified. May Your love and Spirit compel me to cry mercy and forgiveness, For those unfaithful and undeserving, And those who crucify me. Empower me by Your grace to meet my perpetrators with love and forgiveness, As Your Amazing Grace did for me!
