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You Alone Satisfy!

I ask myself a question today
If today is the last day
What would I need the most
Before I step into eternity 
I realize my last memories won't be that of offense or grief
My greatest desires would fade away and seem trivial,
In that moment just before my journey is over
The abuse, the hate, the anger would lose its power 
And my heart would be overwhelmed
Knowing that the Lord planned for me to encounter His love through the cross and the resurrection. 
And before I breathe my very last my only one cry would be-" I need You Jesus" and then I would step in its reality.

As I still breathe, may I not wait for that day to realize
Help me understand that I need You every waking moment
Yes I need You more, more than the greatest desires.
There's none who loves me more.
None who paid the price for my reckless living.
You valued me more than I value myself 
Yet I am constantly running to embrace the temporary pleasures 
Not recognising that my heart is deep and without end
And so foolish to think that the temporary things could ever satisfy 
The deep can only be satisfied by You
You have placed eternity in me
And it can only be satisfied by You
Help me answer your gentle knock at the door of my heart each day
You relentlessly pursue me in love
You demand nothing but in fact became nothing for my sake 
So help me sweet Spirit to count each day precious
Free my wandering heart to only Your love that satisfies 
Help me know my worth that You couldn't imagine eternity without me
Help me understand love is a sacrifice
And cross is the evidence of this truth
Love so powerful that death couldn't confine it in a tomb
That its jealousy for me consumed the dark clutches of the grave
And came back alive to make a home in me 
So Holy Spirit live through me
May my flesh be crucified
Your love burn bright 
And may a hurting world witness Your relentless love


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